Fabric duct is 60% cheaper than steel duct
Fabric duct
Steel duct
Free choice of material and color
Aesthetically excellent
The design application is limited,
so the aesthetics are poor.
Due to the property of steel,
designing ducts with various layouts is difficult.
High maintenance costs due to condensation and difficulty
in removing and cleaning ducts
Because it is 30 times heavier than fabric duct
Installation time and cost increase
Because it can be designed in various layouts,
Customized air distribution is possible according to the characteristics and conditions of the building.
Easy to remove and reinstall cloth ducts
and wash, reducing maintenance costs
Due to uneven distribution,
dead zones and drafts are more likely
Uniform air distribution possible without dead zones
Lightweight and easy to install, reducing installation costs by 90% compared to tin duct(Average weight of fabric duct: 300g/m2 or less)
Air distribution
Installation cost
Custom design
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